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Sometimes it takes having a baby for you to realise your passion...


I was living in Camden Town, London, UK when I made my first fondant cake.  It was November 2014 and my daughter's first birthday.  For some reason I got it in my head that making a fondant Winnie The Pooh cake would be easy.  It wasn't.  It took hours and stressed me out.  But, to my absolute amazement, I pulled it off.  Somewhat.  And not only that, I loved every minute of it!  


In March 2016, three months after my son was born, we moved back to my native South Africa and eventually, to cut a long story short, set up home in Sandton, Johannesburg. 


With two kids, returning to a job as an Executive Assistant in a corporate environment just wasn't something I wanted to do.  And by this stage I'd made a few more cakes and fondant figures that were starting to look... well... almost professional...   



Taking a leap of faith, I set up Gorgeously Caked from home.  I feel I've come such a long way since then.  And I couldn't have imagined how I'd be supported and embraced.  Not only by my amazing clients, whose faces I love to see when they collect their cakes, but also by the community of home bakers already established in this great city.  


I'd love to be your next baker.  Thank you for putting your trust in me.  I won't let you down.


My First Four Cakes


Previous Work Experience

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